Why Learn Python

Python is an incredibly versatile and user-friendly programming language that can open up a world of possibilities for your career and personal life. Here's why

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Python wrapped around a laptop computer


Colourful abstract graphic shapes next to image of a young woman in a classroom

Open-source software

Opensource, what is it and what are the advantages? Find out more

Two computer generated faces facing each other

What is AI?

Artificial Intelligence, also known as AI, is a field of computer science that focuses on the development of intelligent computers that can do tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as visual and speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation.

Unleashing My Creativity with Craiyon

Taking a closer look at Craiyon. Craiyon is a game-changer that has revolutionised my creative process,


Two tablets showing Bard AI

AI - A closer look at Bard for business

OK, so you've heard of artificial intelligence(AI) and are interested. You've maybe heard of ChatGPT, but have you heard of Bard?

hand holding credit card over card machine

Small businesses and the new emerging blockchain payment options

Here's a quick dive into small businesses and the new emerging blockchain payment options for small businesses.

four flags of BRICS in a row

BRICS Expands to Include 6 New Members

The BRICS group of countries, which are Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, have invited six new countries to join. Let's take a closer look at the implications

graphics with words how to network as a small business owner

How to Network as a Small Business Owner

Networking is essential for small business owners, but it can be daunting for those who don't feel comfortable meeting or socializing. Here are some tips to help you network effectively



People holding candles in the street

The Erosion of Democracy - A Global Awakening

Exploring the erosion of democracy, media manipulation, and the aspirations of the people amidst global corruption.

wok with vegetables cooking

The Simple Guide to Eating Healthy on a Budget

Eating healthy doesn't have to be expensive. In fact, there are a number of ways to eat healthy on a budget. In this blog post, we will provide you with some tips on how to do just that.

A picture of thyme herbs

Thyme: A versatile herb with many health benefits

Thyme is a popular herb. Thyme is a good source of vitamins A and C, as well as minerals such as iron, potassium, and manganese. Let's take a closer look.


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